Antoine Fabre is associate professor at Paris-Dauphine PSL University, where he teaches management accounting, business and management history, and historical methodology for research. He is responsible of the Master ‘Financial Control – 267’ and co-responsible of the professional certificate ‘Mémoire de l'Entreprise’.
His research focuses on accounting history from a critical perspective. The first area of his research relates on cost accounting practices in confinement institutions, such as French Guiana’s colonial penal colony in nineteenth century and psychiatric hospitals in Canada in twentieth century. A second area of research concerns the links between accounting, colonization, and the exploitation of natural resources, with a specific focus on the exploitation of rubber in Indochina and French Equatorial Africa in the early twentieth century. Finally, a third recent strand of his work looks at the links between accounting technologies and spatial practices, in historical and current imperialist contexts. Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective that brings together accounting and human geography literatures, these works focus on the formalization of the French imperialist project in Africa at the beginning of the nineteenth century and on a current case of the creation of a biodiversity protection area in the Republic of Congo.
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