Curriculum vitae

Chemla Gilles

CNRS Senior Researcher
Phone : 01 44 05 49 70
Office : A 412

Latest publications


Hennessy C., Chemla G. (2022), Signaling, Instrumentation, and CFO Decision-Making, Journal of Financial Economics

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2021), Equilibrium Counterfactuals, International Economic Review, vol. 62, n°2, p. 639-669

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2020), Rational Expectations and the Paradox of Policy-Relevant Experiments, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 114, p. 368-381

Chemla G., Tinn K. (2020), Learning Through Crowdfunding, Management Science, vol. 66, n°5, p. 1783-1801

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2019), Controls, Belief Updating, and Bias in Medical RCTs, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 184, p. 1-41

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2016), Government as Borrower of First Resort, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 84, p. 1-16

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2014), Skin in the Game and Moral Hazard, The Journal of Finance, vol. 69, n°4, p. 1597–1641

Chemla G., Aïd R., Touzi N., Porchet A. (2011), Hedging and vertical integration in electricity markets, Management Science, vol. 57, n°8, p. 1438-1452

Chemla G., De Bettignies J-E. (2008), Corporate Venturing, allocation of talent, and competition for star managers, Management Science, vol. 54, n°3, p. 505-521

Ljungqvist A., Chemla G., Habib M. (2007), An Analysis of Shareholder Agreements, Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 5, n°1, p. 93-121

Chemla G. (2005), Hold-Up, Stakeholders and Takeover Threats, Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 14, n°3

Chemla G. (2004), Pension Fund Investment in Private Equity and Venture Capital in the U.S. and Canada, The Journal of Private Equity, vol. 7, n°2, p. 64-71

Chemla G. (2004), Takeovers and the dynamics of information flows, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 22, n°4, p. 575-590

Chemla G. (2003), Downstream Competition, Foreclosure, and Vertical Integration, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, vol. 12, n°2, p. 261-289

Faure-Grimaud A., Chemla G. (2001), Dynamic Adverse Selection and Debt, European Economic Review, vol. 45, n°9, p. 1773-1792

Chemla G. (2000), Book review : Financial Analysis and Corporate Strategy. M Grinblatt, S Titman, The Review of Financial Studies, vol. 13, n°1, p. 249-256

Chemla G. (1999), L'impact de la négociation et des prises de contrôle sur l'ampleur de l'effet de cliquet, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, vol. 54, p. 157-171

Chemla G. (1997), Théorie de la firme et contrats incomplets, Revue d'économie politique, vol. 107, n°3, p. 295-330

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Chemla G., Tinn K. (2021), How Wise are Crowds on Crowdfunding Platforms?, in Raghavendran, Rau; Waldrop, Robert ; Zingales, Luigi, The Palgrave Handbook of Technological Finance, London: Cambridge University Press, p. 397-406

Chemla G., Milone M. (2017), Oliver Hart – La finance vue à travers la théorie des contrats incomplets, in Albouy, Michel ; Charreaux, Gérard, Les Grands Auteurs de la Finance, Colombelles (Calvados): EMS - Editions Management et Sociétés, p. 517-541

Pop D., Chemla G., Pop A. (2010), Privatization and governance regulation in frontier emerging markets: The case of Romania, in Kaufman, George G., Financial Institutions and Markets The Financial Crisis: An Early Retrospective Springer, p. 284

Communications sans actes

Tena V., Chemla G. (2024), AI Adoption, Incentives, and Market Outcomes, John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, Generative AI Conference, Montréal, Canada

Chemla G. (2020), The Informational Role of Crowdfunding Platforms, British Accounting and Finance Association - South East Area Group - 2020 Conference, Londres, Royaume-Uni

Chemla G. (2019), Which future for the EU? Which future for Cyprus?, 9th Nicosia Economic Congress, Nicosie, Chypre

Chemla G., Pontuch P. (2012), Labor Intensity and Expected Stock Returns, 2012 FMA European Conference, Istanbul, Turquie

Hennessy C., Chemla G. (2010), A Theory of Securitization: The Role of Speculative Markets, Corporate Governance Workshop, Toulouse, France

Chemla G., Winter R. (2009), Taxes and Corporate Dynamics: The Product-Market Effect, Seminars in Finance - Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Suède

Touzi N., Chemla G., Porchet A., Aïd R. (2009), Forward Hedging and Vertical Integration in Electricity Markets, 36th Annual EFA Meeting, Bergen, Norvège

De Bettignies J-E., Chemla G. (2006), Corporate Venturing, allocation of talent, and competition for star managers, AFFI (Association Française de Finance) :, Paris, France

Chemla G. (2004), Optimal Portfolio Diversification and Product-Market Interactions, AFFI 2004 (Association Française de Finance), Paris, France

Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche

Tena V., Chemla G. (2024), AI Adoption, Incentives, and Market Outcomes, in McGill Seminar Series, Montréal

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2021), Signaling, Random Assignment, and Causal Effect Estimation, in PHDBA 239S Finance Seminars 2021, Berkeley / Online, 33 p

Chemla G., Rivera A., Shi L. (2020), Equilibrium Executive Compensation, in Virtual Finance Theory Seminar, Paris / Online

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2020), Signaling, Random Assignment, and Causal Effect Estimation, in Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 Economics Seminar, Mannheim / Online

Chemla G. (2020), Signaling, Random Assignment, and Causal Effect Estimation, in Virtual Finance Theory Seminar, ESCP Europe, Paris

Chemla G., Atanasova C. (2019), Familiarity Breeds Alternative Investment: Evidence from Corporate Defined-Benefit Pension Plans, in University of Cyprus - 2019 Department of Accounting and Finance Seminars, Nicosie

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2019), Equilibrium Counterfactuals, in Clone of Finance - 2019 Accounting Seminars, Jérusalem

Chemla G. (2019), Equilibrium Counterfactuals, in Séminaire de finance, Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya, Herzliya

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2019), Equilibrium Counterfactuals, in Finance Research Seminars 2018-2019, Lausanne

Chemla G., Tinn K. (2018), Learning through Crowdfunding, in UC3M Business Seminars, Madrid

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2018), Equilibrium Counterfactuals: Joint Estimation and Control in Structural Models​​​​​​​, in University of Minnesota Finance Department Guest Seminar - Fall 2018, Minneapolis

Chemla G. (2018), Equilibrium Counterfactuals, in Séminaire de finance, University of Oxford, Oxford

Chemla G. (2018), Equilibrium Counterfactuals, in Séminaire de finance, Georgia State University, Atlanta

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2018), Equilibrium Counterfactuals, in Naveen Jindal School of Management - Fall 2018 Finance Seminars, Dallas

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2018), Equilibrium Counterfactuals : Joint Estimation and Control in Structural Models, in Rady School of Management 2018 Research Seminars, San Diego

Chemla G. (2018), Familiarity Breeds Alternative Investment: Evidence from Corporate Defined-Benefit Pension Plans, in Séminaire de finance, Skema, Lille

Chemla G., Tinn K. (2018), Learning through Crowdfunding, in W. P. Carey School of Business - 2017/18 Seminar series, Phoenix

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Hennessy C., Chemla G. (2011), Security Design: Signaling Versus Speculative Markets, Londres, DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES, 60 p.

Hennessy C., Chemla G. (2011), Originate-to-Distribute and Screening Incentives, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, 39 p.

Chemla G., Hennessy C. (2011), Privately Versus Publicly Optimal Skin in the Game: Optimal Mechanism and Security Design, CEPR Discussion papers, 52 p.

Atanasova C., Chemla G. (2010), Familiarity Breeds Institutional Investment: Evidence from US Corporate Defined Benefit Pension Plans, Paris, Cahiers de la Chaire Finance et Développement Durable, 31 p.

De bettignies J-E., Chemla G. (2003), Corporate Venture Capital: The Upside of Failure and Competition for Talent, Londres, DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES, 26 p.

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