Ortiz H. (2021), A political anthropology of finance: Studying the distribution of money in the financial industry as a political process, Anthropological Theory, vol. 21, n°1, p. 3-27
Jacomin N., Ortiz H. (2021), Dessine-moi un FMI, Terrain. Anthoropologie et sciences humaines, vol. hors-série, p. 115-123
Ortiz H. (2019), Antropología política de las finanzas y antropología del dinero, Sociologia & Antropologia, vol. 9, n°3, p. 773-795
Ortiz H., Muniesa F. (2018), Business schools, the anxiety of finance, and the order of the ‘middle tier’, Journal of Cultural Economy, vol. 11, n°1, p. 1-19
Ortiz H. (2018), 2. L’évaluation des entreprises cotées en bourse : quelle valeur de vérité ?, Regards croisés sur l'économie, vol. 22, n°1, p. 24
Ortiz H. (2017), A political anthropology of finance: Profits, states, and cultures in cross-border investment in Shanghai, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, vol. 7, n°3, p. 325-345
Ortiz H. (2017), Los imaginarios de “inversores”, “mercados” y “valor” en la distribución del dinero por la industria financiera: un estudio de caso sobre los derivados de crédito, Civitas - Revista de Ciências Sociais, vol. 17, n°1, p. 96-113
Ortiz H. (2016), Imaginarios del valor financiero. Inversión transfronteriza en territorio chino, Etnografías contemporáneas, vol. 2, n°2, p. 24-50
Ortiz H. (2014), Funcionalismo, idealismo y pragmatismo: dilemas sobre el dinero en las ciencias sociales, Perspectivas. Revista de Análisis de Economía, Comercio y Negocios Internacionales, vol. 8, n°agosto 2014, p. 135-154
Hart K., Ortiz H. (2014), The Anthropology of Money and Finance: Between Ethnography and World History, Annual Review of Anthropology, vol. 43, n°1, p. 465-482
Ortiz H. (2014), The Limits of Financial Imagination: Free Investors, Efficient Markets, and Crisis, American Anthropologist, vol. 116, n°1, p. 38-50
Ortiz H. (2013), La « valeur » dans l'industrie financière : le prix des actions cotées comme « vérité » technique et politique, L'Année sociologique, vol. 63, n°1, p. 107-136
Ortiz H. (2013), Investir, une décision disséminée, Sociétés contemporaines, vol. 92, n°4, p. 35-37
Ortiz H. (2013), Financial value: Economic, moral, political, global, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, vol. 3, n°1, p. 64-79
Ortiz H., Montagne S. (2013), Sociologie de l'agence financière : enjeux et perspectives Introduction, Sociétés contemporaines, vol. 92, n°4, p. 7-33
Ortiz H. (2011), Marchés efficients, investisseurs libres et États garants : trames du politique dans les pratiques financières professionnelles, Politix, vol. 3, n°95, p. 155-180
Ortiz H. (2005), Évaluer, apprécier : les relations entre brokers et gérants de fonds d’investissement, Economie rurale, n°286-287, p. 56-70
Ortiz H. (2021), The Everyday Practice of Valuation and Investment: Political Imaginaries of Shareholder Value Columbia University Press, 328 p.
Muniesa F., Doganova L., Ortiz H., Pina-Stranger A., Paterson F., Bourgoin A., Ehrenstein V., Juven P-A., Pontille D., Sarac-Lesavre B., Yon G. (2017), Capitalization. A cultural guide, Paris: Presses des Mines, 167 p.
Ortiz H. (2014), Valeur financière et vérité. Enquête d'anthropologie politique sur l'évaluation des entreprises cotées en bourse, Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 184 p.
Ortiz H. (2021), Central Bank Digital Currencies in Times of Covid-19, in Didier Fassin ; Marion Fourcade, Pandemic Exposures. Economy and Society in the Time of Covid-19, Chicago (Ill.): University of Chicago Press, p. 369-383
Ortiz H. (2020), Liquidity, in Borch, C. and Wosnitzer, R., The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies, London: Routledge, p. 29-45
Ortiz H. (2019), A political anthropology of finance in cross-border investment in Shanghai, in Neiburg, F.; Guyer, J., The Real Economy. Essays in Ethnographic Theory, Chicago (Ill.): University of Chicago Press, p. 153-178
Ortiz H. (2019), Money in the social sciences: the individual, society, the state and beyond, in Wu Guanjun, ECNU Review Vol. 7 East China Normal University Press 华东师范大学出版社, p. 131-146
Ortiz H. (2018), La evaluación profesional de las empresas cotizadas en bolsa: la producción social de una “verdad” técnica y política, in Ariel Wilkis, El poder de evaluar. La producción monetaria de jerarquías sociales, morales y estéticas en la sociedad contemporánea, San Martin, Buenos Aires: UNSAM Edita, p. 1-23
Ortiz H. (2018), The political and moral imaginaries of financial practices, in Chambost, I., Lenglet, M., Tadjeddine, Y., The Making of Finance. Perspectives from the social sciences Routledge, p. 30-36
Ortiz H. (2018), Finance, in Hilary Callan, The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, p. 1-8
Deakin S., Muniesa F., Stern S., Talbot L., Kaplinsky R., O’Neill M., Ortiz H., Sahlin K., Schwittay A. (2018), Markets, Finance, and Corporations: Does Capitalism have a Future?, in International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP), Rethinking Society for the 21st Century Cambridge University Press, p. 225-254
Ortiz H. (2018), Credit and Debt, in Hilary Callan, The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, p. 1-10
Ortiz H. (2017), Cross-border investment in China, in Hart, K., Money in a Human Economy Berghahn Books, p. 147-166
Ortiz H. (2016), Wittgensetin’s Critique of Representation and the Ethical Reflexivity of Anthropological Discourse, in T. M. S. Evens, Don Handelman and Christopher Roberts, Reflecting on Reflexivity. The Human Condition as an Ontological Surprise Berghahn Books, p. 124-141
Ortiz H. (2016), Imaginaires politiques et moraux des pratiques financières, in Chambost, I., Lenglet, M., Tadjeddine, Y., La Fabrique de la Finance Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, p. 59-66
Ortiz H. (2015), Hedge funds and the limit of market efficiency as a regulatory concept, in Jessop, B., Young, B., Scherrer, C., Financial Cultures and Crisis Dynamics, New York: Taylor & Francis, p. 191-207
Ortiz H. (2015), What financial crisis? The global politics of the financial industry: distributional consequences and legitimizing narratives, in Hart, K., Sharp, J., Economy For and Against Democracy Berghahn Books, p. 39-57
Ortiz H. (2013), Financial Professionals as a Global Elite, in Abbink, J., Salverda, T., The Anthropology of Elites Palgrave Macmillan, p. 185-205
Ortiz H. (2012), « Dans ses tendances, l’industrie financière ne se trompe pas, mais elle exagère toujours ». Enjeux moraux dans les pratiques professionnelles de la finance, in Fassin, D., Eideliman, J.-S., Economies Morales Contemporaines, Paris: La Découverte, p. 53-72
Ortiz H. (2012), Anthropology - of the financial crisis, in Carrier, James, A Handbook of Economic Anthropology, Second Edition Edward Elgar, p. 585-596
Ortiz H. (2010), Value and Power: some questions for a political anthropology of global finance, in Acosta, R., Rizvi, S., Santos, A., Making Sense of the Global. Anthropological Perspectives on Internconnections and Processes Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 63-81
Ortiz H. (2020), Transformations of money in China: the digital payment systems Wechat Pay and Alipay, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Ortiz H. (2019), Borders of Finance/Borders of China: Producing Borders in Cross-Border M&a in Shanghai, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), New York, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2019), Money in the making of society? Analyzing digital payment systems Wechat Pay and Alipay from the perspective of a pragmatist anthropology of money, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association - Canadian Anthropology Society, Vancouver, Canada
Ortiz H. (2019), Money: digital, global, International Conference "China Global - Expanding Spheres of Exchange", Fudan University, Shanghai, Chine
Ortiz H. (2019), Assemblages of the state in the global financial industry: Cross-border investment in Shanghai, Intersections of Finance and Society, City University of London, Londres, Royaume-Uni
Ortiz H. (2019), Chinese Digital Payment Systems Wechat Pay and Alipay: An Analysis from the Point of View of a Pragmatist Anthropology of Money, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), New York, NY, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2019), Theoretical and Methodological Questions in the Anthropology and Sociology of Money for the Study of Digital Payment Systems Wechat Pay and Alipay, Human Economy in Asia: A Methodological Reflexion, South Asian University, New Delhi, Inde
Ortiz H. (2019), Digital Payment Systems in China, 2019 Platform Economies Workshop on Digital and Spatial Configurations, The New School, New York and The Institute for Public Knowledge, NYU,, New York, NY, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2019), Max Weber facing Nietzsche: a tragic ethics of social sciences, Asian Conference on the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, Chine
Ortiz H. (2018), Money in the making of society: A pragmatist anthropology of money to approach Wechat Pay and Alipay, 2018 California-Shanghai Innovation Dialogues, “From Fintech to Insurtech in China and the US: Consumer-Facing Financial Innovation and Economic Change”, Irvine, Ca, États-Unis
Alexander C., Laterza V., Wardle H., Ortiz H. (2018), Swimming into the current: the movement of human society though history, 15th European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA) Biennial Conference, Stockholm, Suède
Ortiz H. (2018), Imaginaries of the global in cross-border investment in Shanghai, 30th Annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) : Global Reordering: Prospects for Equality, Democracy and Justice, Kyoto, Japon
Ortiz H. (2018), Imaginaries of the state in global finance: a case study of cross-border investment in Shanghai, Annual Conference of the World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR), Hong Kong, Hong kong
Ortiz H. (2018), Imaginaries of state sovereignty in global finance: mathematical calculation, moral hierarchies and political legitimacy, 30th Annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) : Global Reordering: Prospects for Equality, Democracy and Justice, Kyoto, Japon
Ortiz H. (2018), The risk-free interest rate: the state as sovereign, as asset and as standard of value, International conference “Anthropology and Sociology of Money and Finance”, East China Normal University, Shanghai, Chine
Ortiz H. (2018), Money in the Social Sciences: Theoretical and Methodological Questions (Keynote speech), 1st Kinnaird College for Women International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Lahore, Pakistan
Ortiz H. (2018), Mobile payment systems and credit in China, The Dignity and Debt Network Conference - Ethnographic Field Studies on the Social Meanings of Household Finances, Dignity, & Debt Session, Princeton, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2018), Financial valuation and investment as political process: doing fieldwork on credit derivatives, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Jose, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2018), The “Risk-Free” Rate of Return in the Politics of Global Finance: The State As Financial Asset, Foundation of Value and Sovereign on Behalf of Creditors, 25th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2017), The multiplicity of imaginaries of profit in cross-border investment in China: calculation, organizations, identities and political institutions in a global space, Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Lyon, France
Ortiz H. (2017), Imaginaries of price in cross-border investment in China: Calculation, personal trajectory, and organization, 2nd Annual Conference "Intersections of Finance and Society", London, Royaume-Uni
Lemoine B., Ortiz H. (2017), A financialized sovereign? The production of sovereignty in global finance, Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Lyon, France
Ortiz H. (2017), Money as anthropological reality? The everyday production of profits, states and cultures in cross-border investment in Shanghai, Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2017), Comments on Arjaliès et alii, "Chains of Finance. How Investment Management is Shaped", Oxford University Press, 2017, 2nd Annual Conference "Intersections of Finance and Society", London, Royaume-Uni
Ortiz H. (2017), A political anthropology of finance: valuation and investment as political processes, 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium, Manchester, Royaume-Uni
Ortiz H. (2016), Imaginaries of cross-border investment in Shanghai: profits, states and cultures, International conference “发展-财富-流动” (Developpement, wealth, circulation), Shanghai, Chine
Ortiz H. (2016), Critique of Hoang, K. K., 2015, "Dealings in Desire", University of California Press”, 28th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, “Authors meet critics" session, Berkeley, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2016), Financial, Moral and Political Meanings of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions in China, International Workshop “Real Economy”, Núcleo de Pesquisas em Cultura e Economia (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, BrÉsil
Ortiz H. (2016), Cross-Border Investment in China: Financial, Moral and Political Meanings of an Everyday Practice, Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Berkeley, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2016), The Risk-Free Rate of Return in the Politics of Global Finance, 28th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Berkeley, États-Unis
Ortiz H. (2021), Review of Money Counts: Revisiting Economic Calculation, edited by Mario Schmidt and Sandy Ross. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2020, Anthropological Forum, vol. 2, n°31, p. 210-212
Ortiz H. (2021), “The “American middle class” after 2008: financial, fictitious, foreclosed”, about Stout, N., 2019, Dispossessed. Dispossessed. How Predatory Bureaucracy Foreclosed on the American Middle Class, University of California Press, Oakland, European Journal of Sociology, vol. 3, n°61, p. 542-548
Ortiz H. (2019), Best practice: management consulting and the ethics of financialization in China by Kimberly Chong, Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 264 p., Asian Anthropology, vol. 18, n°4, p. 299-301
Ortiz H. (2019), Finance, Nations and the Global, A comment on Ailon, G., "Bracketing the Nation. Lay financial trading in Israel", Current Anthropology, 60(2), pp. 245-261, Current Anthropology, vol. 60, n°2, p. 256-257
Ortiz H. (2018), The People’s Money: How China Is Building a Global Currency by Paola Subacchi, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 53, n°37, p. 33-35
Ortiz H. (2018), Chains of Finance: How Investment Management is Shaped, Organization Studies
Ortiz H. (2017), Maurer, Bill: How Would You Like to Pay? How Technology Is Changing the Future of Money. Durham: Duke University Press, 2015. 163 pp., Anthropos, vol. 112, n°1, p. 337-338
Ortiz H., Salzinger L., Krippner G. (2017), On Kimberly Kay Hoang’s, Dealing in Desire. Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work. Oakland, CA, University of California Press, 2015, Socio-Economic Review, vol. 15, n°3, p. 679-690
Ortiz H. (2015), A Comment on “The Institutional Transformation of China’s Stock Exchanges: A Comparative Perspective” by Kay Lyu, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 5, n°1, p. 91-97
Ortiz H. (2014), Stephen Bell et Hui Feng, The Rise of the People’s Bank of China: The Politics of Institutional Change, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2013, 376 p., China Perspectives, vol. 2014, n°3, p. 59-61
Ortiz H. (2013), Fisher, M., 2012, Wall Street Women, Duke University Press, Durham and London, Sociologie du travail, vol. 55, n°4, p. 545-547
Ortiz H. (2012), Reflections of Value in Trading Rooms About: Vincent Antonin Lépinay, Codes of Finance. Engineering derivatives in a global bank, Princeton., Books and Ideas.net
Ortiz H. (2010), Norbert Gaillard, Les agences de notation, Paris, La Découverte (Repères), 2010, 126 p., Genèses, vol. 2010/2, n°79, p. 152-153
Ortiz H. (2009), Heurtin, J.-P. & Molfessis, N. (dir.), La Sociologie du droit de Max Weber, Dalloz, Paris, 231 p., Archives de philosophie du droit, vol. 2009, n°52, p. 453-456
Ortiz H. (2007), Catherine Colliot-Thélène, La sociologie de Max Weber, La Découverte, coll. « Repères », 2006, 122 p., Lectures, vol. 2007
Ortiz H. (2019), Digital money in China, in Platform Economies Workshop on digital and spatial configurations, New York
Ortiz H. (2019), An Anthropology of Chinese Digital Payment Systems, Wechat Pay and Alipay, in Séminaire Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instabilities in Market Societies, Sciences Po, Paris