Curriculum vitae

Laguna Marie-Aude

Associate Professor
Phone : 01 44 05 45 36
Office : p401
Personal URL


Maître de Conférences (Assistant Professor of Finance) at the Université Paris Dauphine | PSL, and currently fellow of The Risk Institute at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business.

I received bachelor's degrees in economics and econometrics from the Université Toulouse I Capitole and the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, a master's degree in sociology from the Université Paris-Descartes, a master’s degree in economics from the Paris School of Economics and EHESS (Master APE), and a doctorate in economics from the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.

My research interests are in the areas of financial economics and environmental economics. I do empirical research, and collect my own data using textual analysis. In particular, I studied the media coverage of industrial disasters and their impact on companies.

Latest publications


Capelle-Blancard G., Laguna M-A. (2010), How does the stock market respond to chemical disasters?, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 59, n°2, p. 192-205

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Laguna M-A. (2016), Les médias font-ils la Bourse?, in Dauphine Recherche en Management, L'état des Entreprises 2016, Paris: La Découverte, p. 91-100

Communications sans actes

Laguna M-A., Williams R. (2019), Financial and Non-Financial Risk Management, Midwest Finance Association 68th Annual Meeting, Chicago, États-Unis

Ferreira D., Ginglinger E., Laguna M-A., Skalli-Housseini Y. (2019), Board Quotas and Director-Firm Matching, American Finance Association 2019 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, États-Unis

Ferreira D., Ginglinger E., Laguna M-A., Skalli Y. (2018), Board Quotas and Director-Firm Matching, SFS Cavalcade Conference, New Haven, États-Unis

Laguna M-A. (2018), Negative Press and Corporate Policy, 2018 Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, États-Unis

Laguna M-A. (2010), Unexpected Media Coverage and Stock Market Outcomes : Evidence from Chemical Disasters, 2010 FMA Annual Meeting, New York, États-Unis

Laguna M-A. (2009), News Pressure, Public Image, and Firm Stock Market Value, 24th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Barcelone, Espagne

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