Curriculum vitae

Dargnies Marie-Pierre

Associate Professor


Marie-Pierre Dargnies has been a lecturer at the University of Paris-Dauphine (DRM Finance) since September 2012. In her research, she uses laboratory experiments to address issues of behavioural economics and finance. Prior to her arrival at Dauphine, she obtained a PhD thesis entitled "Gender and taste for competition: a behavioural approach", in November 2009, at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the Paris School of Economics, under the supervision of Guillaume Hollard. She then spent two years as a post-doctoral fellow at the WZB (Berlin Social Science Center) in Berlin, between September 2010 and August 2012, in Dorothea Kuebler's team.

Latest publications


Dargnies M-P., Hakimov R., Kübler D. (2024), Aversion to hiring algorithms: Transparency, gender profiling, and self-confidence, Management Science, p. 1-17

Celse J., Dargnies M-P. (2022), An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Exogenous Matching Methods on Contribution to Public Goods : do People Cooperate more with Same-Spirit Partners or Same Performing Partners ?, Revue d'économie politique, vol. 132, n°6, p. 1013-1035

Celse J., Dargnies M-P. (2022), An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Exogenous Matching Methods on Contribution to Public Goods: do People Cooperate more with Same-Spirit Partners or Same Performing Partners?, Revue d'économie politique, vol. 132, n°6, p. 1013 à 1035

Dargnies M-P., Hakimov R., Kübler D. (2019), Self-confidence and unraveling in matching markets, Management Science, vol. 65, n°12

Berlin N., Dargnies M-P. (2016), Gender differences in reactions to feedback and willingness to compete, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 130, p. 320-336

Berlin N., Dargnies M-P. (2013), Croyances et goût pour la compétition, Revue économique, vol. 64, n°3, p. 433-443

Dargnies M-P. (2012), Men Too Sometimes Shy Away from Competition : The Case of Team Competition, Management Science, vol. 58, n°11, p. 1982-2000

Dargnies M-P. (2011), Compétition en équipe : Les hommes sont-ils moins coopératifs que les femmes ?, Revue économique, vol. 62, n°1, p. 113-125

Hollard G., Dargnies M-P. (2009), Incentives to learn calibration: a gender-dependent impact, Economics Bulletin, vol. 29, n°3, p. 1820-1828

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Dargnies M-P., Gresse C., Roger T., Simon A. (2017), Robert J. Shiller. l’exubérance irrationnelle des marchés, in Michel Albouy et Gérard Charreaux, Les grands auteurs en finance, Colombelles (Calvados): EMS - Editions Management et Sociétés, p. 603-626

Communications sans actes

Dargnies M-P., Hakimov R., Kübler D. (2023), Aversion to hiring algorithms: Transparency, gender profiling, and self-confidence, 44th Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists

Dargnies M-P. (2023), Do we trust more male or female advisers?, 2023 ESA (Economic Science Assoication) World Meeting, Lyon, France

Dargnies M-P., Hakimov R., Kübler D. (2022), Trust in hiring algorithms: causal effect of beliefs about humans’ discrimination for workers, and self-confidence for managers, 12th International Conference of the ASFEE (French Association of Experimental Economics), Lyon, France

Dargnies M-P. (2021), Trust in an expert depending on the expert's gender and the individual's characteristics: An experiment using the Monty Hall game, 2021 Economic Science Association Global Online Around-the-Clock Conference, Online, France

Dargnies M-P. (2021), Trust in an expert depending on the expert's gender and the individual's characteristics : An experiment using the Monty Hall game, 69th Annual Meeting of the French Economic Asssociation, Online, France

Dargnies M-P. (2021), What determines trust in expert? An experiment, 11th International Conference of the ASFEE (French Association of Experimental Economics), Dijon, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Berlin N., Dargnies M-P. (2012), Linking beliefs to willingness to compete, Paris, WP Centre d'Economie de l'université Paris-Nord, 29 p.

Dargnies M-P. (2011), Social identity and competitiveness, Berlin, Social Science Research Center, 36 pages p.

Dargnies M-P. (2009), Does team competition eliminate the gender gap in entry in competitive environments ?, WP Centre d'Economie de l'université Paris-Nord, 34 p.

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