Curriculum vitae

Dameron Stéphanie

Full Professor
Phone : 01 44 05 43 89
Office : P439


Stéphanie Dameron is professor of strategy at Paris Dauphine University where she runs the Chair « Strategic and Competitive Intelligence ». Her research topics include cooperative relationships within or between organizations and the participation of various stakeholders in the decision making process. She also has a special interest for the management education system. Her work has been published in international journals including the Journal of Management Studies and the British Journal of Management. Her research has been distinguished by the AIMS (2001, 2017), the EURAM and the SMS (2009), and the Paris Dauphine Foundation (2015).

Institutionally engaged, she is member of the board of Paris-Dauphine University and of the Supervisory board of Essec Business School. She is also the chair of the Advisory board of EM Normandie Business School. She is member of the scientifii Committe of the European Academy of Management. She is the former elected leader of the Strategy Practice IG at the Strategic Management Society and the former elected chair of the French Academy of Management.

The Future of Management Education, co-authored and co-edited with T. Durand, is her latest book published, in 2018.

Latest publications


Vacquier R., Garreau L., Dameron S. (2024), The Construction of A Strategic Issue: Issue Selling as A Narrative Process, M@n@gement, vol. 27, n°1, p. 19-37

Dameron S., Very P. (2018), Stratégie, information et diplomaties stratégiques: convergences et enjeux, Finance contrôle stratégie, vol. NS-3, n°Septembre

Dameron S., Shimada S. (2016), L’apprentissage intergénérationnel : Une analyse comparée à travers le concept de ba, Revue française de gestion, vol. 42, n°255, p. 139-154

Dameron S., Lê J., LeBaron C. (2015), Materializing Strategy and Strategizing Materials: Why Matter Matters, British Journal of Management, vol. 26, n°Supplement S1, p. S1-S12

Torset C., Dameron S. (2014), The Discursive Construction of Strategists' Subjectivities: Towards a Paradox Lens on Strategy, Journal of Management Studies, vol. 51, n°2, p. 291-319

Özbilgin M., de Freitas M., Dameron S., Chanlat J-F., Dupuis J-P. (2013), Management et Diversité : lignes de tension et perspectives, Management International, vol. 17, n°hors série, p. 5-13

Dameron S., Durand T. (2013), Strategies for business schools in a multi-polar world, Education + Training, vol. 55, n°4/5, p. 323-335

Dameron S., Torset C. (2012), Les stratèges face à la stratégie. Tensions et pratiques, Revue française de gestion, vol. 38, n°223, p. 27-41

Durand T., Dameron S. (2011), Where Have All the Business Schools Gone?, British Journal of Management, vol. 22, n°3, p. 559-563

Dameron S., Josserand E. (2009), Le piège identitaire: identification sociale et strategies d'acteurs dans une communaute de pratique, Finance contrôle stratégie, vol. 12, n°1, p. 127-154

Dameron S., Josserand E. (2007), Le développement d'une communauté de pratique: une analyse relationnelle, Revue française de gestion, vol. 33, n°174, p. 131-148

Joffre O., Dameron S. (2007), The good and the bad: the impact of diversity management on co-operative relationships, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 18, n°11, p. 2037–2056

Joffre O., Dameron S. (2005), Rapports coopératifs et confrontation culturelle : le cas de la gestion post fusion Orange- France Télécom Mobiles, Finance contrôle stratégie, vol. 8, n°3, p. 51-76

Dameron S. (2005), La dualité du travail coopératif, Revue française de gestion, n°158, p. 105-120

Dameron S. (2004), Opportunisme ou besoin d'appartenance ? La dualité coopérative dans le cas d'équipes projet, M@n@gement, vol. 7, n°3, p. 137-160

Dameron S. (2002), La dynamique relationnelle au sein d'équipes de conception, Le Travail humain, vol. 65, n°4, p. 340-361


Dameron S., Durand T. (2011), Redesigning Management Education And Research, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 256 p.

Durand T., Dameron S. (2008), The Future of Business Schools : Scenarios and strategies for 2020, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 365 p.

Durand T., Dameron S. (2008), The Future of Business Schools: scenarios and strategies for 2020, Basingstoke: Springer, 365 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Carton G., Dameron S., Durand T. (2018), Higher Education in Management : the Case of France, in Dameron S. & Durand T., The Future of Management Education : Volume 2: Differentiation Strategies for Business Schools, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 261-296

Dameron S., Durand T. (2018), Beyond Strategic convergence: Designing Differentiation Strategies for Business Schools in a multi-polar world, in Dameron S. & Durand T., The Future of Management Education : Volume 2: Differentiation Strategies for Business Schools, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 1-22

Dameron S., Durand T. (2017), Trends and Challenges in Management Education around the world, in Dameron S. & Durand T., The Future of Management Education : Volume 1: Challenges facing Business Schools around the World, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 1-22

Carton G., Dameron S. (2017), How to develop scholar-practitioner interactions : lessons from management concepts developed through collaboration between research and practice, in J. Bartunek & J. McKenzie, Academic-Practitioner Relationships : Developments, Complexities and Opportunities Routledge, p. 253-270

Gour A., Dameron S. (2016), Les contours et les grands dispositifs publics de l’intelligence économique en France, in Alice Guilhon & Nicolas Moinet, Intelligence Economique: s'informer, se protéger, influencer, Montreuil: Pearson, p. 36-48

Bez S., Le Roy F., Dameron S. (2016), Coopétition : comment conjuguer protection et partage d’informations ?, in A. Guilhon & N. Moinet, Intelligence économique : S'informer, se protéger, influencer, Montreuil: Pearson, p. 193-206

Garreau L., Dameron S. (2014), De l'intelligence économique à l'intelligence stratégique : organiser la circulation de l'information sensible dans l'entreprise, in Dauphine Recherches en management, L’état des entreprises 2014, Paris‎: La Découverte, p. 45-55

Dameron S. (2011), Les dirigeants oublient-ils le long terme ?, in Lamarque, Eric, Gouvernance et prise de décision : les questions qui dérangent, Paris: Editions d'Organisation, p. 3-14

Dameron S. (2010), Avis d'expert : la gestion de la coopération dans une équipe projet, in Meier, Olivier, Manageor : les meilleures pratiques du management, Paris‎: Dunod, p. XXI-814

Dameron S. (2008), Les strategies low cost : quel développement ?, in Pezet, Anne, L'état des entreprises 2009, Paris: La Découverte, p. 58-66

Dameron S. (2008), La généalogie des nouveaux dirigeants, in Dubois, Pierre-Louis, Le nouveau visage des dirigeants du CAC 40, Paris: Pearson, p. 7-16

Durand T., Dameron S. (2008), Management education and research in France, in Dameron, Stéphanie, The future of business schools : scenarios and strategies for 2020, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 365

Dameron S., Josserand E. (2007), Dan Schendel, de la "Business Policy" au "Strategic Management", in Tellier, Frederic, Les grands auteurs en stratégie, Mondeville: EMS - Editions Management et Sociétés, p. 91-104

Dameron S., Josserand E. (2006), Communities of Practice - Is it Like Pulling Teeth ? : Help Our Dentists, they're Caught in an Identity Trap, in Kornberger, Martin, Only Connect : Neat Words, Networks and Identities, Abingdon: Distribution, Marston Book Services, p. 256

Dameron S. (2006), Coopérer dans l'entreprise, in Romelaer, Pierre, Recherches en management et organisation, Paris: Economica, p. 663

Dameron S. (2005), Diagnostic stratégique d'un rachat : Orange, France-Télécom, in Orsoni, Jacques, Management : cas et applications, Paris: Vuibert, p. 400

Joffre O., Dameron S. (2005), Management d'une équipe européenne : difficultés relationnelles et construction identitaire, in , Management européen et mondialisation, Paris: Dunod, p. 77-99

Dameron S. (2002), Les deux conceptions du développement de relations coopératives dans l'organisation, in Laroche, Hervé, Perspectives en management stratégique tome 8, 2000-2001, Colombelles Calvados: EMS - Editions Management et Sociétés, p. 287

Directions d'ouvrage

Dameron S., Durand T. (2018), The Future of Management Education, Volume 2 : Strategies and differentiation for Business Schools., Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 304 p.

Dameron S., Durand T. (2017), The Future of Management Education Volume 1: Challenges facing Business Schools around the World, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 415 p.

Dameron S., Durand T. (2011), Redesigning Management Education and Research: Challenging Proposals from European Scholars, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 256 p.

Communications avec actes

Dameron S., Carton G. (2013), Production and Dissemination of Knowledge between Research and Practice, in Toombs, Leslie, Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings 2013, Orlando, FL, Academy of Management

Communications sans actes

Vacquier R., Garreau L., Dameron S. (2020), La construction d’une problématique stratégique : L’issue selling comme mise en récit, XXIXème conférence de l'AIMS

Bez S., Fernandez A-S., Dameron S. (2015), Integration of coopetition paradox by individuals: a case study within the french banking industry, Annual 15th EURAM Conference - European Academy of Management, Pologne

Dameron S. (2014), The "Antestrategy" Perspective: A Call For A Paradox Lens On Strategy Practice, 34th Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, Madrid, Espagne

Dameron S., Garreau L., Gour A. (2013), Fishing or hunting? Strategic information circulation practices to reach sustainable competitive advantage, Strategic Management Society (SMS) 33rd Annual International Conference, Atlanta, États-Unis

Dameron S., Carton G. (2013), Understanding the impact of scholarship: the relationship between research and practice through the production and dissemination of management knowledge, EURAM 2013 - 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management - Democratising Management, Istanbul, Turquie

Dameron S., Carton G. (2012), Proposition d’un cadre d’analyse des modes de diffusion de connaissances en management, XXIe conférence de l’AIMS, Lille, France

Carton G., Dameron S. (2012), Suggestion of a Framework of Dissemination of Knowledge between Research and Practice, 32nd Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Prague, Tchèque, rÉpublique

Torset C., Dameron S. (2011), Les stratèges face à la stratégie : tensions et pratiques, XXè Conférence de l'AIMS, Nantes, France

Durand T., Dameron S. (2011), Strategies for Business Schools in a multi-polar world, 31st Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference, Miami, États-Unis

Torset C., Dameron S. (2009), Strategists in an uncertain world : Practices and tools to face tensions, 29th Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (SMS), Washington DC, États-Unis

Dameron S., Josserand E. (2009), The structural and relational development of a network, European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), Liverpool, Royaume-Uni

Dameron S., Torset C. (2009), Strategists by themselves : Top managers, experts and middle managers, XXVth European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium (EGOS), Barcelona, Espagne

Dameron S., Chanlat J-F. (2009), Management et diversité : lignes de tension et perspectives, Rencontres internationales de la diversité, Corte, France

Dameron S., Durand T. (2008), How could European Business Schools Compete ? A Plea for a Dual Strategy: Catching-up and Differenciation, Euram 2008 : Managing Diversity European Destiny and Hope, Ljubljana, SlovÉnie

Dameron S. (2008), Le cas Darégal, XVIIème Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique , Conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, Nice, France

Durand T., Dameron S. (2007), Understanding the business of Business Schools : building Strategies for both Market & Non-Market Dynamics, 27th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS), San Diego, États-Unis

Dameron S. (2006), The good and the bad: The impact of cultural diversity on cooperative relationships, EURAM, Oslo, Norvège

Josserand E., Dameron S. (2006), Une communauté de pratique prise au piège identitaire, XVème conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique, Annecy, France

Dameron S., Josserand E. (2006), Opening the black box of group dynamics : the participation/reification duality as generative mechanism, The Academy of Management Annual Meeting : " Knowledge, Action and the Public Concern", Atlanta, Georgia, États-Unis

Josserand E., Dameron S. (2005), Le processus de développement d'une communauté de pratique, une approche par la dialectique participation- réification, XIVe Conférence internationale de management stratégique, AIMS 2005 (Association internationale de management stratégique), Angers, France

Dameron S., Josserand E. (2004), Communities of practice, is it like pulling teeth? Help our dentists, they are caught in an identity trap, The Organization as a Set of Dynamic Relationships - EGOS - Ljubljana University, Slovenia July 1 - 3, 2004, Ljubljana, SlovÉnie

Dameron S. (2004), Co-operation in a Multicultural Firm: The Orange-France Telecom Mobile Post Merger Integration Case, 20th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Ljubljana, SlovÉnie

Dameron S. (2003), Structuration de la coopération au sein d’équipes projet, XII ème Conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS) - Les Côtes de Carthage – 3, 4, 5 et 6 juin 2003, Carthage, Tunisie

Joffre O., Dameron S. (2003), Cooperation and intercultural management : towards a cross analysis, The 17th Nordic Conference on Business Studies Scandinavian Academy of Management - Reykjavik, 12-14 of August, 2003, Reykjavik, Islande

Dameron S. (2001), Les deux conceptions du développement de relations coopératives dans l'organisation., Xième Conférence de l’ AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique), Québec, Canada

Dameron S. (2000), Processus de coopération dans l'organisation: construction d'une grille de lecture appliquée au cas d'une équipe projet, IXème Conférence AIMS, Montpellier, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Dameron S. (2010), Socialisation, diversité et management, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, 2 p.

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