Les séminaires de mai 2024 DRM-ERMES

15 mai 24

Mercredi 15 Mai, Espace 1
10h30-12h: Richard Gyrd-Jones, séminaire de recherche: “The Subjectivized Era of Branding”, Copenhagen Business School
14h-16h: Richard Gyrd-Jones, atelier méthodologique: “Documenting the undocumentable in the subjectivized era of branding” , Copenhagen Business School

Jeudi 23 Mai
12h-13h, salle A711: Francesca Sobande, séminaire de recherche: "Big Brands Are Watching You: Marketing Social Justice and Digital Culture", Cardiff University
14h-15h30, salle B115: Francesca Sobande, atelier méthodologique: "Book Writing: From Ponderings to the Page", Cardiff University