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Éric BROUSSEAU, est professeur à l’Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University et membre de l’UMR CNRS Dauphine Recherche en Management. Il dirige la Chaire Gouvernance et Régulation de la Fondation Paris-Dauphine et anime le Club des Régulateurs qui y est associé. Il collabore aussi avec l’Institut Universitaire Européen de Florence.
Ses recherches portent sur la gouvernance économique et la régulation des marchés. Il s’intéresse à la manière dont les stratégies des acteurs influencent l’organisation et l’évolution des institutions encadrant les activités économiques; d’où des travaux approfondis sur la régulation dans divers contextes contemporains ou historiques, national ou transnational ainsi que sur les interactions entre autorégulations et régulations publiques.
Il a publié près d’une centaine d’articles scientifiques et a dirigé la publication d’une quinzaine d’ouvrages dont, récemment, The Manufacturing of Markets ; legal, political and economic dynamics (Cambridge University Press, 2014). Il a également a mené des recherches pour les pouvoirs publics français, la Commission européenne, la NSF américaine, les Nations Unies, et l’OCDE.
Il est le directeur de l’Ecole Doctorale de Dauphine. Il est l’un des créateurs du Master Industries de Réseaux et Economie Numérique (IREN), co-habilité entre Dauphine, Polytechnique, Supélec, TélécomParisTech et l’Université Paris-Sud. Il dirige également le Master Management des Télécom et des Médias (226). Il a fondé en 2002 l’Institutional and Organizational Economics Academy (IOEA), et a présidé la Society for Institutional and Organizationa Economics (2013-2014). Il est également membre honoraire de l’Institut Universitaire de France.
Beuve J., Brousseau E., Sgard J. (2017), Mercantilism and Bureaucratic Modernization in Early Eighteenth-Century France, Economic History Review, vol. 70, n°2, p. 529-558
Prakash A., Héritier A., Koremenos B., Brousseau E. (2015), Organizational Leadership and Collective Action in International Governance: An Introduction, Global policy, vol. 6, n°3, p. 234–236
Brousseau E., Sgard J. (2015), A symposium on state and market regulation, International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 42, p. 157
Sgard J., Schemeil Y., Brousseau E. (2012), Delegation without borders: On individual rights, constitutions and the global order, Global Constitutionalism, vol. 1, n°3, p. 455-484
Brousseau E., Andonova V., Ladrón de Guevara A. (2011), Internet interacted: 1991-2003, Management Research, vol. 9, n°3, p. 192-206
Raynaud E., Brousseau E. (2011), “Climbing the hierarchical ladders of rules”: A life-cycle theory of institutional evolution, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 79, n°1-2, p. 65-79
Glachant J-M., Brousseau E. (2011), Regulators as Reflexive Governance Platforms, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, vol. 12, n°3, p. 194-209
Greif A., Brousseau E. (2010), Introduction to the JCE Symposium on “The Dynamics of Institutions”, Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 38, n°3, p. 227-228
Schemeil Y., Brousseau E., Sgard J. (2010), Bargaining on law and bureaucracies: A constitutional theory of development, Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 38, n°3, p. 253-266
Nicita A., Brousseau E. (2010), How to design institutional frameworks for markets: New institutional economics meet the needs of industrial organization, Revue d'économie Industrielle, n°129-130, p. 87-118
Brousseau E. (2008), The Economics of Music Production: The Narrow Paths for Record Companies to Enter the Digital Era, Communications & Stratégies, n°72, p. 131-153
Brousseau E., Pénard T. (2007), The Economics of Digital Business Models: A Framework for Analyzing the Economics of Platforms, Review of Network Economics, vol. 6, n°2, p. 81-114
Coeurderoy R., Chaserant C., Brousseau E. (2007), The Governance of Contracts: Empirical Evidence on Technology Licensing Agreements, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol. 163, n°2, p. 205-235
Sattin J-F., Brousseau E. (2007), Les contrats pour évaluer le droit : Quelques propositions méthodologiques fondées sur l'analyse du Droit des brevets et des Contrats de licences de technologie, Revue économique, vol. 58, n°6, p. 1363-1386
Brousseau E., Coeurderoy R. (2005), The Governance of Intellectual Property Rights in Knowledge Transfers: An Empirical Analysis of Supervision Provisions in Technology Licensing Agreements, International Journal of the Economics of Business, vol. 12, n°3, p. 403-424
Chaves B., Brousseau E. (2005), Contrasted Paths of Adoption: Is E-business Really Converging Toward a Common Organizational Model?, Electronic Markets, vol. 15, n°3, p. 181-198
Brousseau E., Dedeurwaerdere T., Siebenhüner B. (2005), Introduction and overview to the special issue on biodiversity conservation, access and benefit-sharing and traditional knowledge, Ecological Economics, vol. 53, n°4, p. 439-444
Brousseau E. (2004), Property rights on the internet: is a specific institutional framework needed?, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 13, n°5, p. 489-507
Brousseau E. (2003), E-Commerce in France: Did Early Adoption Prevent Its Development?, The Information Society, vol. 19, n°1, p. 45-57
Brousseau E. (2002), The Governance of Transactions by Commercial Intermediaries: An Analysis of the Re-engineering of Intermediation by Electronic Commerce, International Journal of the Economics of Business, vol. 9, n°3, p. 353-374
Brousseau E., Glachant J-M. (2014), The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 548 p.
Glachant J-M., Brousseau E. (2014), The daily adjustment of market technology : introduction to part VI, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 548
Brousseau E., Glachant J-M. (2014), The Political Origin of Competition: Introduction to Part III, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 548
Glachant J-M., Brousseau E. (2014), Public and Private Complementarities in Securing Exchange: Introduction to Part I, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 548
Brousseau E., Glachant J-M. (2014), Conclusion : tâtonnement in the manufacturing of markets, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 548
Glachant J-M., Brousseau E. (2014), The challenge of balancing public and private ordering : introduction to part V, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 548
Glachant J-M., Brousseau E. (2014), The Myopia of the Public Hand: Introduction to Part IV, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 548
Brousseau E., Glachant J-M. (2014), Path Dependency and Political Constraints in Establishing Property Rights Systems: Introduction to Part II, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The manufacturing of markets: legal, political and economic dynamics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 81-84
Siebenhüner B., Brousseau E., Dedeurwaerdere T. (2012), Knowledge Matters: Institutional Frameworks to Govern the Provision of Global Public Goods, in Siebenhüner, Bernd, Reflexive governance for global public goods, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, p. XIV-366
Marzouki M., Brousseau E., Méadel C. (2012), Governance, Networks and Digital Technologies: Societal, Political, and Organizational Innovations, in Méadel, Cécile, Governance, Regulation and Powers on the Internet, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 445
Brousseau E., Dedeurwaerdere T., Siebenhüner B. (2012), Introduction : Reflexive governance for global public goods, in Siebenhüner, Bernd, Reflexive governance for global public goods, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, p. XIV-366
Siebenhüner B., Dedeurwaerdere T., Brousseau E. (2012), Conclusion : Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods, in Siebenhüner, Bernd, Reflexive governance for global public goods, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, p. XIV-366
Jouvet P-A., Dedeurwaerdere T., Willinger M., Brousseau E. (2012), Introduction: Global Environmental Commons: Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms, in Willinger, Marc, Global Environmental Commons : Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. XXIII-435
Marzouki M., Brousseau E. (2012), Internet Governance: Old Issues, New Framings, Uncertain Implications, in Méadel, Cécile, Governance, Regulation and Powers on the Internet, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 445
Brousseau E., Glachant J-M. (2012), Regulating Networks in the ‘New Economy’: Organizing competition to share information and knowledge, in Méadel, Cécile, Governance, Regulation and Powers on the Internet, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 63-92
Brousseau E., Jouvet P-A., Dedeurwaerdere T., Willinger M. (2012), Conclusion: Governance and Environment: Policy Challenges and Research Questions, in Willinger, Marc, Global Environmental Commons : Analytical and Political Challenges in Building Governance Mechanisms, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. XXIII-435
Dedeurwaerdere T., Brousseau E. (2012), Global Public Goods: The Participatory Governance Challenges , in Siebenhüner, Bernd, Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods, Cambridge (Mass): MIT Press, p. 382
Glachant J-M., Brousseau E. (2010), 'Reflexive' Market Regulation: Cognitive Cooperation in Competitive Information Fora, in Lenoble, Jacques, Reflexive governance: redefining the public interest in a pluralistic world, Oxford ; Portland, Or.: HEC Montréal, p. 235
Brousseau E., Pénard T. (2009), Assembling Platforms: Strategy and Competition, in Madden, Gary, The economics of digital markets, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. XXXI-354
Saussier S., Brousseau E. (2009), Contracting with Governments, in Silverman, Brian S., Economic institutions of strategy, Bingley, U.K: Emerald Publishing , p. XXX-542
Brousseau E. (2008), Contracts: From Bilateral Sets of Incentives to the Multi-level Governance of Relations, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, New institutional economics : a guidebook, New York: Cambridge University Press, p. LVII-558
Glachant J-M., Brousseau E. (2008), A Road Map for the Guidebook, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, New institutional economics : a guidebook, New York: Cambridge University Press, p. XXXIX-LVII
Marciano A., Brousseau E. (2007), A Contractual Approach to Multi-level Governance, in OECD, Linking Regions and Central Governments Contracts for Regional Development, Paris: OCDE / OECD, p. 21-70
Curien N., Brousseau E. (2007), Internet economics, digital economics, in Curien, Nicolas, Internet and digital economics: principles, methods and applications, Cambridge? ; New York: Cambridge University Press, p. XXVI-796
Brousseau E. (2007), Multilevel governance of the digital space: does a second rank institutional framework exist?, in Curien, Nicolas, Internet and digital economics: principles, methods and applications, Cambridge? ; New York: Cambridge University Press, p. XXVI-796
Brousseau E., Glachant J-M. (2002), The Economics of Contracts and the Renewal of Economics, in Glachant, Jean-Michel, The economics of contracts: Theories and applications, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. XVI-584
Sgard J., Schemeil Y., Brousseau E. (2011), Sovereignty without Borders: On Individual Rights, the Delegation to Rule, and Globalization, San Domenico di Fiesole, EUI Working Papers, RSCAS, Global Governance Programme-05, 31 p.