Curriculum vitae

Imbet Juan

Professeur assistant
Bureau : P616
Site web personnel

Dernières publications

Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche

Imbet J., Ortiz M., Tena V. (2023), How Costly is Tax Evasion ? An Optimal Contracting Approach, in DRM (Dauphine Recherches en Management) Finance Internal Seminar, Paris

Imbet J., Cookson J., Fox C., Gil-Bazo J., Schiller C. (2023), Social Media as a Bank Run Catalyst, in University of Luxembourg Finance Seminar, Luxembourg

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Imbet J., Tena V., Ortiz M. (2023), How are the tax evasion savings distributed?, Working paper

Cookson J., Fox C., Gil-Bazo J., Imbet J., Schiller C. (2023), Social Media as a Bank Run Catalyst, SSRN Working Paper Series, 67 p.

Imbet J., Ortiz M. (2023), Private Firms and Offshore Finance, Working paper, 37 p.

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