Curriculum vitae

Passari Evgenia

Professeur assistant
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Evgenia Passari is an Assistant Professor in Financial Economics at Université Paris-Dauphine.

She holds a BS.c. in Banking & Financial Management from the University of Piraeus, Greece, an MS.c. in Economics & Finance from Warwick Business School, and a Ph.D. in Finance from Cass Business School, London. Before the completion of her doctorate in 2013 she worked in the research departments of Société Générale and Goldman Sachs, while from 2012 to 2014 she was a Research Fellow in the Economics Department of London Business School.

Evgenia’s research work has focused on international finance, empirical asset pricing and political economy and has been published in the Economic Journal and in the Brooking's Papers on Economic Activity.

Her research has been recognised with the 2017 Fondation Banque de France/ILB Young Researcher in Economics Prize. 

Dernières publications


Passari E., Algan Y., Guriev S., Papaioannou E. (2018), The European Trust Crisis and the Rise of Populism, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, vol. 48, n°2, p. 309-400

Rey H., Passari E. (2014), Financial Flows and the International Monetary System, The Economic Journal, vol. 125, n°584, p. 675-698

Communications avec actes

Passari E. (2015), Commodity Currencies Revisited, in , 32nd International Conference of the French Finance Association - AFFI 2015, Cergy, 63 p.

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