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Karanasios S., Adrot A., Hayes P., Cooper V. (2023), The interplay of logics and social media: an organizational field perspective, Information Systems Journal, p. 1-45
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Adrot A. (2017), Dynamiques émergentes, matérialité et transmission d’information dans les organisations mises en difficulté : l’étude d’un réseau inter-organisationnel entre 2003 et 2013., Communication, Organisation, Société du Savoir et Information, vol. 2017, n°2
Moriceau J-L., Adrot A. (2013), Introducing Performativity to Crisis Management Theory: An Illustration from the 2003 French Heat Wave Crisis Response, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, vol. 21, n°1, p. 26–44
Adrot A., Bia Figueiredo M. (2013), Handling coordination in an extreme situation: Tensions in electronic communication and organizational emptiness during the 2003 French heat wave crisis response, Systèmes d'information et management, vol. 18, n°1, p. 11-56
Garreau L., Adrot A. (2010), Interagir pour improviser en situation de crise. Le cas de la canicule de 2003, Revue française de gestion, vol. 36, n°203, p. 119-131
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Adrot A., Tsoukiàs A., Bouty I. (2021), La mesure, panacée ou écueil de la réponse aux situations extrêmes ? Le cas du masque pendant la première vague de Covid-19 en France, in Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, Covid-19 Regards Croisés sur le Crise, Paris: Université Paris-Dauphine, p. 38-40
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Adrot A., Pairault V. (2021), Théorie enracinée du framing en situation extrême : le cas des inondations de Draguignan, XXXème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Online
Adrot A., Salzman A. (2019), "Do as I say, not as I do": the emergence of a peacebuilding organization and its struggle with conflicts, 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edimburgh, Royaume-Uni
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Adrot A., Bia-Figueiredo M. (2016), Institutional legitimacy and spaces: a grounded analysis of firefighters' journey in digitization, 6th Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) workshop, Lisbonne, Portugal
Adrot A., Hussenot A. (2011), Dealing with Organizing from the Sociomaterial Entanglement: Evidence from the 2003 French Heat Wave Crisis, 27th EGOS Colloquium : Reassembling Organizations, Gothenburg, Suède
Adrot A. (2011), Crisis response, organizational improvisation and the dispassionate communicative genre during the 2003 French heat wave, 16e Colloque AIM, Saint-Denis (La Réunion), France
Adrot A., Garreau L. (2009), Approcher la réalité de l’improvisation organisationnelle en temps de crise : l’analyse des interactions durant la réponse à la canicule française de 2003, AIMS, Grenoble, France
Adrot A., Garreau L. (2009), Sense as a bridge between crisis and improvisation: how people make sense of a crisis to improvise ?, 27th Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Copenhague, Danemark
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Adrot A. (2008), L'apport des technologies de l'information aux organisations qui improvisent en situation de crise, Atelier Doctoral de l'AIM, Aix-en-Provence, France
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Adrot A. (2008), Information Technology and Crisis Response: A Key Resource for Organizational Improvisation?, International Conference on Information Systems - Doctoral Consortium, Paris, France
Adrot A., Aguerre M. (2022), Data Ecosystems and Disaster Risk Reduction in Cross-border Regions: Visioning from 2020 Roya Valley Flood Disaster, in , 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Tarbes, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM)
Adrot A., Grace R., Zobel C., Moore K. (2021), 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, in , Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), 1062 p
Karanasios S., Cooper V., Adrot A., Mercieca D. (2020), Gatekeepers rather than helpless: An exploratory investigation of seniors use of information and communication technology in critical settings, in , Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3770-3779 p
Rigaud E., Klein M., Weins M., Adrot A., Friedrich F., Kanaan N., Lotter A., Mahdavian F., Schultze Y., Schultmann F. (2018), A Multi-Agent System for Studying Cross-Border Disaster Resilience, in , 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), 135-144 p
Kanaan N., Adrot A. (2018), Managing inter-organizational breaks in a context of cross-border crisis, in , Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), 245-253 p
Comes T., Adrot A. (2016), Power as Driver of Inter-Organizational Information Sharing in Crises, in , Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM)
Adrot A. (2020), Gatekeepers rather than helpless : An exploratory investigation of seniors use of information and communication technology in critical settings, in Séminaires du LIRAES, Paris
Adrot A., Buscher M., Fiedrich F., Klein M., Rigaud É., Schulte Y., Wiens M., Schultmann F. (2022), Transboundary Resilience, PSCE - Public Safety Communication Europe, 29 p.
Adrot, A. (2020), La quantification au c?ur de la gestion des masques durant la pande?mie, France Forum, n°77, Juillet, https://www.institutjeanlecanuet.org/content/le-monde-apres
Adrot, A. (2017), Digitalisation des sociétés : une nouvelle approche du risque, France Forum, Janvier, https://www.institutjeanlecanuet.org/content/digitalisation-des-societes-une-nouvelle-approche-du-risque
Adrot, A. Bia-Figueiredo, M. (2013), #3 Email: combien de temps encore, (Ateliers du Numérique) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPsNAObpJvQ