Blot Lefevre Matte A. (2024), 46e Congrès annuel EAA de l'Association européenne de comptabilité, 46e Congrès annuel EAA de l'Association européenne de comptabilité, Bucarest, Roumanie
Blot Lefevre Matte A. (2023), 39th EGOS Colloquium - Organizing for the good life between legacy and imagination, Pragmatist Inspirations for Researching On-the-Move: Knowing by Becoming, Italie
Blot Lefevre Matte A. (2023), Pragmatism in Management by Objectives, 44ème congrès de l’Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), Lyon, France
Blot Lefevre Matte A., Ahrens T., Zamzulaila Z. (2022), Why accounting happens—a practice perspective on accounting as teleological event in the timespace of human activity, MONFORMA2022 Biennal Monforma Conference, Melbourne, Australie
Blot Lefevre Matte A. (2023), Responsible management-as-practice of time to promote velocity: a new paradigm for managing objectives, in PhD Workshop with Prof. David Stark (Columbia University) Accounting and Management Control Department at ESSEC Business School, Paris
Blot Lefevre Matte A. (2022), Control as practice of time management to promote velocity : a new paradigm for managing objectives, in PhD Workshop with prof. Marc Wouters Accounting and Management Control Department at ESSEC Business School, Cergy