Guillaume Johnson est Chargé de Recherche CNRS (HDR) en management et marketing rattaché à Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM). Ses recherches portent sur les dynamiques sociopolitiques du marketing, avec un intérêt particulier pour les questions raciales. Il a exploré ces problématiques en France, en Afrique du Sud et aux États-Unis. Il est co-rédacteur en chef de Marronnages : les questions raciales au crible des sciences sociales. Il est cofondateur et co-organisateur du réseau de recherche Race in the Marketplace (RIM). Avant de rejoindre le CNRS, il a occupé des postes universitaires en Afrique du Sud et en Chine.
Publications principales récentes :
2024 (dir.), « Capitalisme Racial !? », Marronnages : les questions raciales au crible des sciences sociales, vol. 3, n°1. Avec Woker M. & Zevounou L.
2024, « Race in Consumer Research: Past, Present and Future », Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 51, n°1, p. 56-65. Avec. Grier S., Crockett D., Thomas K., & Bradford T.
2021, « Beyond Greenwashing: Addressing ‘the Great Illusion’ of Green Advertising », Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, vol. 16, n°2, p. 59-66. Avec Parguel B.
2019 (dir.), Race in the Marketplace – Crossing Critical Boundaries. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. Avec Thomas K., Harrison A., & Grier S.
Johnson G., Woker M., Zevounou L. (2024), Capitalisme racial !? Une introduction, Marronnages : les questions raciales au crible des sciences sociales, vol. 3, n°1, p. 8-31
Grier S., Crockett D., Johnson G., Thomas K., Bradford T. (2024), Race in Consumer Research: Past, Present and Future, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 51, n°1, p. 56–65
Thomas K., Johnson G., Grier S. (2023), Perspectives: race and advertising: conceptualizing a way forward through aesthetics, International Journal of Advertising, vol. 42, n°3, p. 617-637
Grier S., Johnson G., Scott M. (2022), From Anxious Spaces to Harmonious Relations? Interracial Marketplace Interactions Through the Lens of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Psychology, vol. 32, n°1, p. 97-126
Sobande F., Schoonejans A., Johnson G., Thomas K., Harrison A. (2021), Strolling with a Question: Is it Possible to Be a Black Flâneur?, ISRF Bulletin, n°XXIII, p. 13-26
Johnson G. (2021), The Forbidden Picture, ISRF Bulletin, n°XXIII, p. 33-39
Parguel B., Johnson G. (2021), Beyond greenwashing: Addressing ‘the great illusion’ of green advertising, Revue de l'organisation responsable, vol. 16, n°2, p. 59-66
Harrison A., Johnson G., Dhillon-Jamerson K., Thomas K., Steinfield L., Wherry F., Timke E. (2020), Author Meets Critics: Race in the Marketplace: Crossing Critical Boundaries, Advertising & Society Quarterly, vol. 21, n°4
Sobande F., Schoonejans A., Johnson G., Thomas K., Harrison A. (2020), Enacting anti-racist visualities through photo-dialogues on race in Paris, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, vol. 40, n°2, p. 165-179
Grier S., Thomas K., Johnson G. (2018), Re-imagining the marketplace: addressing race in academic marketing research, Consumption Markets & Culture, vol. 22, n°1, p. 91-100
Johnson G., Thomas K., Grier S. (2017), When the burger becomes halal: a critical discourse analysis of privilege and marketplace inclusion, Consumption Markets & Culture, vol. 20, n°6, p. 497-522
Guillard V., Johnson G. (2015), « Un vieux contre un neuf » : une étude des réactions des consommateurs à l'égard des offres de reprise, Décisions Marketing, n°78, p. 29-44
Kipnis E., Broderick A., Demangeot C., Adkins N., Ferguson N., Henderson G., Johnson G., Mandiberg J., Mueller R., Pullig C., Roy A., Zúñiga M. (2013), Branding beyond prejudice: Navigating multicultural marketplaces for consumer well-being, Journal of Business Research, vol. 66, n°8, p. 1186–1194
Demangeot C., Adkins N., Mueller R., Henderson G., Ferguson N., Mandiberg J., Roy A., Johnson G., Kipnis E., Pullig C., Broderick A., Zúñiga M. (2013), Toward Intercultural Competency in Multicultural Marketplaces, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, vol. 32, n°special issue, p. 156-164
Johnson G. (2013), "Does race really matter?" Consumer identity and advertising effectiveness in post-apartheid South Africa, South African Journal of Business Management, vol. 1, n°2, p. 11-17
Johnson G., Meyers Y., Williams J. (2013), Immigrants Versus Nationals: When an Intercultural Service Encounter Failure Turns to Verbal Confrontation, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, vol. 32, n°1, p. 38-47
Johnson G., Grier S. (2013), Understanding the influence of cross-cultural Consumer-to-Consumer Interaction on consumer service satisfaction, Journal of Business Research, vol. 66, n°3, p. 306–313
Johnson G., Grier S. (2012), "What about the Intended Consequences?" Examining the Effects of Race-Stereotyped Portrayals on Advertising Effectiveness, Journal of Advertising, vol. 41, n°3, p. 91-105
Grier S., Johnson G. (2011), “Alisha in Obesity-land”: Is Food Marketing the Mad Hatter?, International Journal of Case Studies in Management, vol. 9, n°4
Broderick A., Demangeot C., Adkins N., Ferguson N., Henderson G., Johnson G., Kipnis E., Mandiberg J., Mueller R., Pullig C., Roy A., Zúñiga M. (2011), Consumer Empowerment in Multicultural Marketplaces: Navigating Multicultural Identities to Reduce Consumer Vulnerability, Journal of Research for Consumers, n°19, p. 1-13
Johnson G., Grier S. (2011), Targeting without Alienating: Multicultural Advertising and the Subtleties of Targeted Advertising more, International Journal of Advertising, vol. 30, n°2, p. 233-258
Johnson G., Elliott R., Grier S. (2010), Conceptualizing Multicultural Advertising Effects in the "New" South Africa, Journal of Global Marketing, vol. 23, n°3, p. 189-207
Johnson G. (2009), The Social Dimension of Multi-Racial Advertising: Its Impact on Consumers’ Attitude, South African Journal of Business Management, vol. 40, n°2, p. 45-52
Johnson G., Guillard V. (2017), Discriminations dans les services marchands : le cas des chambres d’hôtes en France, in Dauphine Recherches Management, L'Etat des entreprises 2017, Paris: La Découverte, p. 32-43
Grier S., Johnson G. (2013), 'Alisha in Obesity-land’: Is Food Marketing the Mad Hatter?, in Fatien Diochon, Pauline ; Raufflet, Emmanuel ; Mills, Albert J., The Dark Side 2: Critical Cases on the Downside of Business, Sheffield (GB): Greenleaf, p. 197-222
Johnson G., Thomas K., Harrison A., Grier S. (2019), Race in the Marketplace - Crossing Critical Boundaries Springer International Publishing, 283 p.
Thomas K., Grier S., Johnson G. (2018), Crossing Race and Markets: Introducing the Race in the Marketplace Research Network, in Gershoff, Andrew; Kozinets, Robert; White, Tiffany, Duluth, Association for Consumer Research, 890 p.
Johnson G. (2019), Sorry, not Racist: The Racial Dynamics of Organizational Apologia, 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni
Johnson G., Michel N. (2019), Antiracism for Sale: Exploring 40 Years of Evaporation in France, 2019 Race in the Marketplace (RIM) Research Forum, Paris, France
Johnson G., Parigot J., Depeyre C. (2018), Beyond the product. Dynamics of racial contestation within the legalized U.S. cannabis industry, EGOS colloquim, Tallinn, Estonie
Delacroix E., Guillard V., Johnson G., Roux D. (2017), Au-delà du gaspillage alimentaire : une analyse des représentations du gaspillage non-alimentaire, Congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing, Tours, France
Guillard V., Johnson G. (2017), There Will Always Be Someone Who Will Need it’: African Diasporic Households and the Circulation of Second-Hand Objects, 2017 AMA Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Washington D.C, États-Unis
Johnson G. (2024), Constructing Race: Examining the Role of Advertising Aesthetics, in Area of Excellence Research Seminar, Neoma Business School
Johnson G., Michel N. (2021), Antiracism for Sale: Exploring 40 Years of Racial Evaporation in French Campaigns against Discrimination, in Les mercredis de la Citoyenneté, Genève
Thomas K., Grier S., Johnson G. (2021), Theorizing and race, in IV Encontro Cultura e Consumo Brasil, Online
Johnson G., Guillard V. (2018), « Réservé aux blancs ? » Les discriminations en marketing, in Université ouverte, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris
Sobande F., Schoonejans A., Johnson G., Thomas K., Harrison A., Grier S. (2021), Editorial : Race and Markets, ISRF Bulletin, n° XXIII, p. 4-6