Curriculum vitae

Ginglinger Edith

Full Professor
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Edith Ginglinger is Professor of Finance at Université Paris-Dauphine. Her teaching and research are in the fields of corporate finance, corporate social responsability and corporate governance. She is the author of several books, as well as numerous articles in finance journals, in particular Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, International Review of Law and Economics. She co-directed the FBF-Dauphine-HEC Chair in Corporate Finance and was a member of the AMF's Scientific Advisory Board. She chaired the jury of the French National Agrégation Competition for the recruitment of university professors in Business in 2014-2015. She was Vice-Dean of Research at PSL in 2016-2017, and Vice President "Finance and Financial Sustainability" at Université Paris-Dauphine from 2016 to 2020.

Latest publications


Belot F., Ginglinger E., Starks L. (2024), Encouraging long-term shareholders: The effects of loyalty shares with double voting rights, Finance, vol. 45, n°1, p. 3-61

BELOT F., Ginglinger E., Starks L. (2023), Encouraging long-term shareholders: The effects of loyalty shares with double voting rights, Finance, vol. Vol. 45, n°1, p. 3-61

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2023), Climate risk and capital structure, Management Science, vol. 69, n°12, p. 7492–7516

Ginglinger E., Raskopf C. (2023), Women directors and E&S performance: Evidence from board gender quotas, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 83, n°102496, p. 1-20

Ginglinger E., Belot F. (2022), Introductions en Bourse : les droits de vote multiple sont-ils nécessaires à l’attractivité d’une place financière ?, Opinions et débats, n°26, p. 90

BELOT F., Ginglinger E. (2022), Introductions en Bourse : les droits de vote multiple sont-ils nécessaires à l’attractivité d’une place financière, Opinions et débats, n°26

Ginglinger E. (2021), Les politiques environnementales et sociales des entreprises : quel dialogue avec les investisseurs ?, Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement , n°102, p. 64-68

Ginglinger E. (2020), Climate risk and finance, Bankers, markets, investors, n°160, p. 44-50

Ginglinger E. (2020), Faut-il verser des dividendes en temps de crise ?, Revue française de gestion, vol. 46, n°293, p. 183-196

Ginglinger E. (2018), Familles actionnaires, Revue d'économie financière, vol. 2018/2, n°130, p. 99-111

Boulland R., Degeorge F., Ginglinger E. (2017), News dissemination and investor attention, Review of Finance, vol. 21, n°2, p. 761-791

David T., Ginglinger E. (2016), When cutting dividends is not bad news: The case of optional stock dividends, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 40, p. 174–191

Belot F., Ginglinger E., Slovin M., Sushka M. (2014), Freedom of Choice between Unitary and Two-Tier Boards: An Empirical Analysis, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 112, n°3, p. 364–385

BELOT F., Ginglinger E., Slovin M., Sushka M. (2014), Freedom of choice between unitary and two-tier boards: An empirical analysis, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 112, n°3, p. 364-385

Belot F., Ginglinger E. (2013), Rendre compte de la rémunération des dirigeants : qu’attendre du say on pay ?, Revue française de gestion, vol. 8, n°237, p. 57-71

BELOT F., Ginglinger E. (2013), Rendre compte de la rémunération des dirigeants. Qu’attendre du say on pay ?, Revue française de gestion, vol. 39, n°237, p. 57-71

Ginglinger E., Koenig L., Riva F. (2013), Seasoned equity offerings: Stock market liquidity and the rights offer paradox, Journal of Business Finance and Acounting, vol. 40, n°1-2, p. 215-238

Hamon J., Ginglinger E. (2012), Ownership, control and market liquidity, Finance, vol. 33, n°2, p. 61-99

Ginglinger E. (2012), Quelle gouvernance pour créer de la valeur ?, Revue d'économie financière, vol. 2, n°106, p. 227-242

Ginglinger E., Megginson W., Waxin T. (2011), Employee Ownership, Board Representation, and Corporate Financial Policies, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 17, n°4, p. 868-887

Ginglinger E., Megginson W. (2010), The evidence on privatization around the world, Bankers, markets, investors, n°108, p. 56-66

Ginglinger E., Hamon J. (2009), Share repurchase regulations: do firms play by the rules?, International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 29, n°2, p. 81-96

Ginglinger E., Hamon J. (2007), Actual share repurchases, timing and liquidity, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 31, n°3, p. 915-938

Ginglinger E., Lasfer M., Gajewski J-F. (2007), Why do companies include warrants in seasoned equity offerings?, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 13, n°1, p. 25-42

Saddour K., Ginglinger E. (2007), La trésorerie des entreprises : explications et valorisation, Bankers, markets, investors, n°90, p. 52-58

Ginglinger E., L'Her J-F. (2006), Ownership structure and open market stock repurchases in France, The European Journal of Finance, vol. 12, p. 77-94

Ginglinger E. (2005), Rémunérations incitatives : points de vue financier et de gouvernance d’entreprise, Revue de droit bancaire et financier, p. 39-41

Ginglinger E. (2005), Stocks options ou actions gratuites : quels effets incitatifs pour les dirigeants ?, Option Finance, n°Hors série n°8, p. 13-18

Ginglinger E. (2003), Les actions reflets (ou tracking stocks), Bankers, markets, investors, n°65, p. 5-12

Ginglinger E. (2002), L’actionnaire comme contrôleur, Revue française de gestion, vol. 5, n°141, p. 37-55

Gajewski J-F., Ginglinger E. (2002), Seasoned Equity Issues in a Closely Held Market: Evidence from France, Review of Finance, vol. 6, n°3, p. 291-319

Ginglinger E., Chollet P. (2001), The pricing of French unit seasoned equity offerings, European Financial Management, vol. 7, n°1, p. 23-38

Ginglinger E., Faugeron-Crouzet A-M. (2001), Introduction en bourse, signal et émissions d'actions nouvelles sur le second marché français, Finance, vol. 22, n°2, p. 51-74

Ginglinger E. (2001), D'un cycle à l'autre, Bankers, markets, investors, n°55, p. 6-7

Ginglinger E. (2001), Les rachats d'actions, Bankers, markets, investors, n°50, p. 45-51

Ginglinger E. (2000), Le financement par obligations convertibles, Bankers, markets, investors, n°44, p. 53-58


Ginglinger E., Hasquenoph J-M. (2006), Mathématiques financières, Paris: Economica, 112 p.

Ginglinger E. (1998), Les décisions d'investissement, Paris: Nathan, 127 p.

Ginglinger E. (1997), Les décisions de financement des entreprises, Paris: Nathan, 127 p.

Ginglinger E. (1993), Les sept lectures du bilan : sept regards sur l'entreprise et ses comptes, Paris: Nathan, 189 p.

Ginglinger E. (1991), Gestion financière de l'entreprise, Paris: Dalloz, 153 p.

Ginglinger E. (1991), Le financement des entreprises par les marchés de capitaux, Paris: PUF - Presses Universitaires de France, 315 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Ginglinger E. (2021), Les entreprises responsables sont-elles plus résilientes?, in Bouchard, Bruno ; Chafaï, Djalil, Covid-19 | Regards croisés sur la crise, Paris: Université Paris-Dauphine, p. 74-76

Ginglinger E. (2017), Stewart C. Myers : une autre approche du financement des entreprises, in Albouy, Michel, Les grands auteurs en finance, Colombelles: EMS - Editions Management et Sociétés, p. 310

Ginglinger E. (2005), Développements récents dans la gouvernance d’entreprises, in Association d’Economie Financière, Rapport moral sur l’argent dans le monde, 2005, Paris: Association d'économie financière, p. 460

Ginglinger E. (1997), Marchés de capitaux et financement d'entreprise, in Simon, Yves, Encyclopédie des marchés financiers, Paris: Economica, p. 897-912

Communications sans actes

Raskopf C., Ginglinger E. (2021), Are women directors inherently ESG friendly?, 10th International Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Lille, France

Raskopf C., Ginglinger E. (2021), Are women directors inherently ESG friendly? Evidence from board gender quotas, 37th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), Online

Raskopf C., Ginglinger E. (2021), Women directors and E&S performance: Evidence from board gender quotas, 2021 FMA Annual Meeting - Financial Management Association International, Online

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2020), Climate risk and capital structure, 2020 Financial Management Association Virtual Conference, Online

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2020), Climate risk and capital structure, 60th Annual Meeting of the Southern Finance Association, Online

Raskopf C., Ginglinger E. (2020), Women directors and E&S performance: Evidence from board gender quotas, 19th International Conference CREDIT: Environmental, Social and Governance Risks, Department of Economics of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, ABI – Italian Banking Association, AIAF – Associazione Italiana per l’Analisi Finanziaria and the Joint Research Center, European Commission (Ispra, Italy), Online

Raskopf C., Ginglinger E. (2020), Women directors and E&S performance: Evidence from board gender quotas, 17th Corporate Finance Day, Online

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2019), Climate risk and capital structure, 9th Financial Engineering and Banking Society international Conference, Prague, Tchèque, rÉpublique

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2019), Climate risk and capital structure, 36th International Conference of the French Finance Association, Québec, Canada

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2019), Climate risk and capital structure, European Financial Management Association 2019 Annual Conference, Ponta Delgada, Portugal

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2019), Climate risk and capital structure, EDHEC The Finance of Climate Change, Paris, France

Ferreira D., Ginglinger E., Laguna M-A., Skalli-Housseini Y. (2019), Board Quotas and Director-Firm Matching, American Finance Association 2019 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, États-Unis

Belot F., Ginglinger E., Starks L. (2019), Encouraging long-term shareholders: The effects of loyalty shares with double voting rights, 9th Financial Engineering and Banking Society international Conference, Prague, Tchèque, rÉpublique

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2019), Climate risk and capital structure, Global Research Alliance on Sustainable Finance and Investment 2nd Annual Conference, Oxford, Royaume-Uni

Ginglinger E., Moreau Q. (2019), Climate risk and capital structure, United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, Paris, France

Ferreira D., Ginglinger E., Laguna M-A., Skalli Y. (2018), Board Quotas and Director-Firm Matching, SFS Cavalcade Conference, New Haven, États-Unis

Ginglinger E., Hebert C., Renneboog L. (2018), Are investors aware of ownership connections?, FMA Europe conference, Kristiansand, Norvège

David T., Ginglinger E. (2015), When Cutting Dividends Is Not Bad News: The Case Of Optional Stock Dividends, 32nd International Conference of the French Finance Association - AFFI 2015, Cergy, France

Boulland R., Degeorge F., Ginglinger E. (2012), Targeted Communication and Investor Attention, 29th Spring International Conference of the French Finance Association, Strasbourg, France

Belot F., Ginglinger E., Slovin M., Sushka M. (2012), Lessons from The French Exception: How Firms Choose Between Unitary and Dual Boards, 2012 FMA European Conference, Istanbul, Turquie

Belot F., Ginglinger E., Slovin M., Sushka M. (2012), Reforming Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Choice between Unitary versus Dual Boards of Directors, 29th Spring International Conference of the French Finance Association, Strasbourg, France

Riva F., Koenig-Matsoukis L., Ginglinger E. (2009), Stock market liquidity and the rights offer paradox, 22nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australie

Ginglinger E., Megginson W., Waxin T. (2009), Employee Ownership, Board Representation, and Corporate Financial Policies, FMA Annual Meeting, Reno, États-Unis

Koenig-Matsoukis L., Ginglinger E., Riva F. (2009), Stock Market Liquidity and the Rights Offer Paradox, 7th Paris finance international meeting (AFFI), Paris, France

Riva F., Ginglinger E., Koenig-Matsoukis L. (2009), Stock market liquidity and the rights offer paradox, EFMA 2009, Milan, Italie

Saddour K., Ginglinger E. (2007), Cash holdings, corporate governance and financial constraints, EFMA 2007, Vienne, Autriche

Hamon J., Ginglinger E. (2007), Ownership, control and market liquidity, AFFI 2007 (Association Française de Finance), Paris, France

Gajewski J-F., Lasfer M., Ginglinger E. (2005), Why do Companies Include Warrants in Seasoned Equity Offerings: The case of French Unit Offerings, European Financial Management Association (EFMA), Milan, Italie

Hamon J., Ginglinger E. (2005), Share repurchase regulations: do firms play by the rules?, EFMA 2006, Madrid, Espagne

Ginglinger E., Hamon J. (2004), Actual share repurchases, timing and corporate liquidity, FMA Europe (Financial Management Association International), Zurich, Suisse

Hamon J., Ginglinger E. (2003), Actual share repurchases, timing and corporate liquidity, AFFI (Association Française de Finance), Paris, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Faugeron-Crouzet A-M., Ginglinger E., Vijayraghavan V. (2003), French IPO returns and subsequent security offerings : Signaling hypothesis versus market feedback hypothesis, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine

Autres publications

David,T., Ginglinger, E., (2015),  Le dividende en actions est-il une bonne nouvelle pour les actionnaires , Option Finance, n°1331, septembre  

Ginglinger, E., (2015),  L impact économique et boursier des attentats , Option Finance, n°1342, novembre

Ginglinger E., (2013),  Say on pay : quelles conséquences pour les entreprises ? , Option Finance, septembre

Ginglinger E., (2012), Conseil d'administration ou conseil de surveillance et directoire : y a-t-il une structure de conseil optimale?, Option Finance, septembre

Ginglinger, E., David, T.,  Le dividende en actions est-il une bonne nouvelle pour les actionnaires ? , Dauphine Recherches, N°1, Novembre 2016

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