Les séminaires de novembre 2022 -DRM-Finance

10 novembre 22

Jeudi 10 novembre 13h15-14h30, salle A711
Timothy Loughran, « Measuring Firm Complexity”, University of Notre Dame, USA

Jeudi 17 novembre,14h-17h30, salle A707

  • 2:30pm-3:15pm. Paper 1. "Tweeting for Money: Social Media and Mutual Fund Flows", Juan F. Imbet, co-authored with Javier Gil-Bazo
  • 3:15pm-4:00pm. Paper 2. "Remittances and Gender Inequality ", Evgenia Passari, co-authored with Dimitrios Minos
  • 4:00pm-4:15pm. Coffee break
  • 4:15pm-5:00pm. Paper 3. "Dissecting IPO returns", Zoran Filipovic, co-authored Biljana Seistrajkova

Jeudi 24 novembre 13h15-14h30, salle A711
Dimitris Papanikolaou, « research », Northwestern University