Curriculum vitae

Sainval Walkens


Dernières publications

Communications sans actes

Sainval W., Pomiès A., Savinien J. (2024), Examining Socioeconomic Inequalities in Business Schools: Empirical evidence from students’ educational and career choices, Academy of Management – Careers Division Community Conference (CarCon), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

Sainval W., Pomiès A., Savinien J. (2023), Examining Socioeconomic Inequalities in Business Schools: Empirical evidence from students’ educational and career choices, East Coast Doctoral Conference (ECDC), New York, États-Unis

Sainval W. (2022), Investigating the making of business elites: An ethnography in a French business school, Rencontres des perspectives critiques en management. Critical Management Studies – Doctoral Workshop, Montpellier, France

Sainval W. (2022), Investigating the making of business elites : an ethnography in a French grande école, 38th EGOS Colloquium, Vienna, Autriche

Sainval W. (2022), Investigating the making of business elites: An ethnography in a French business school, Conférence, Barcelona, Espagne

Sainval W., Birolini C., Trarieux M. (2022), "Reformist but not revolutionary”: A collective reflection on the civic involvements of students at the grandes écoles, Journée d’études « Engagements étudiants contemporains/ Contemporary Students involvements. Université Paris Nanterre – CY Cergy Paris université, Nanterre, France

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