Tena V. (2024), Mieux comprendre le financement des acquisitions dans un contexte de taux élevés, Finance & gestion, n°408, p. 35-37
Tena V., Chemla G. (2024), AI Adoption, Incentives, and Market Outcomes, John Molson School of Business at Concordia University, Generative AI Conference, Montréal, Canada
Tena V., Imbet J., Ortiz M. (2024), How are the gains from corporate tax evasion distributed?, 46th European Accounting Association (EEA) Annual Congress, Bucharest, Roumanie
Imbet J., Ortiz M., Tena V. (2024), Dynamic Contracting and Corporate Tax Strategies, 1st Modern Finance Conference, Warsaw, Pologne
Tena V., Imbet J., Ortiz M. (2024), How are the tax evasion savings distributed?, 40th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), Lille, France
Tena V., Imbet J., Marcelo Ortiz M. (2024), How Are the Tax Evasion Savings Distributed?, American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting, Washington, États-Unis
Tena V. (2023), Optimal Dynamic Contract with a Shock on the Benefit of Cash Flow Diversion, FMA (Financial Management Association International) Annual Meeting, Chicago, États-Unis
Tena V. (2023), The Consequences of Regulating Agency Friction on an Optimal Contract, Financial Management Association International (FMA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, États-Unis
Tena V. (2023), Optimal Dynamic Contract with a Shock on the Benefit of Cash Flow Diversion, 5th French Inter-Business School Conference in Finance (FIBSF), Toulouse, France
Tena V. (2022), Optimal Dynamic Contract with a Shock on the Benefit of Cash Flow Diversion, 2022 World Finance Conference, Turin, Italie
Tena V. (2022), Optimal Dynamic Contract with a Shock on the Benefit of Cash Flow Diversion, 38th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), Saint-Malo, France
Tena V., Chemla G. (2024), AI Adoption, Incentives, and Market Outcomes, in McGill Seminar Series, Montréal
Imbet J., Ortiz M., Tena V. (2023), How Costly is Tax Evasion ? An Optimal Contracting Approach, in DRM (Dauphine Recherches en Management) Finance Internal Seminar, Paris
Tena V. (2023), Will Asset Managers Survive the Advent of Robots ? An Optimal Contracting Approach, in Séminaire du LIRAES (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Appliquée en Économie-Gestion et Santé) - Université Paris Cité, Paris
Tena V. (2023), The Consequences of Regulating Agency Friction on an Optimal Contract, in Séminaire du Laboratoire ERUDITE (Equipe de Recherche sur l’Utilisation des Données Individuelles en lien avec la Théorie Economique), Créteil
Tena V. (2024), Mieux comprendre le financement des acquisitions dans un contexte de taux élevés, Finance & gestion, vol. Mars 2024
Tena V. (2024), Mieux comprendre l’évasion fiscale grâce à la recherche théorique., Option Finance, n° 1736, p. 7
Tena V. (2023), Quelle rémunération pour les dirigeants d'entreprise réalisant des superprofits?, Option Finance